When Did We Lose Interest in Ukraine?

Become a Patron! Has Ukraine Lost Our Attention On February 24th Russia began its invasion. The exact date is a little murky, because Russia had long supported Russian separatists in Luhansk and Donetsk. The conflict really began in 2014 and never really stopped. A few days before Russia began its invasion The New York Times reported... Continue Reading →

Nuclear Energy Leads to Black Swans

Nuclear Energy Leads to Black Swans In early March Russia seized the Zaporizhzhia nuclear facility in Southeastern Ukraine. It is the largest in Europe and among the ten largest in the world. During an early morning battle for control of the facility, a fire  broke out in the plant. It did not cause a radiation... Continue Reading →

Putin Lost the French Presidential Election

The French Presidential Election Outcome The French Presidential Election is always important. France is the seventh largest economy in the world and a leader within the EU and NATO. However, this election had even more significant international implications. In many ways this election was the first serious test of Western support for Ukraine. Marine Le... Continue Reading →

How will Eastern Ukraine Respond to Russia’s Assault

Eastern Ukraine Under Assault As Russia makes a strategic pivot toward Eastern Ukraine, the challenge goes beyond the battlefield. A divide has long existed between Eastern and Western Ukraine. The most notable difference between the regions is linguistic. Russian is more widely spoken in Eastern Ukraine as opposed to Ukrainian. However, Eastern Ukraine has also... Continue Reading →

How Will Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine End?

How Will Russia's Invasion of Ukraine End? Let me start with a simple admission. Nobody really knows how Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will end. However, careful observers can make some measured predictions based on geopolitical interests, past behaviors, and historical lessons. It’s always possible Putin will defy conventional wisdom and logic to chart his own... Continue Reading →

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